All Saints and St Mary's Churches


PILGRIMAGE TO POLAND from  August 3 -16, 2025, 13 days  with Rev. Piotr Pawlus. Don't miss out on this exciting oppertunity! For more information and registration form, CLICK HERE

All Saints & St. Mary's Food Pantry

It is truly a blessing to have our Food Pantry available for out local community. While it is unfortunate to have so many in need, we’ve recently seen 50+ families come through our doors within one opening day of our food pantry.

Not only do we offer a large selection of shelf goods to choose from, we offer frozen goods, refrigerator goods, and even a hot meals when available.

This however is not possible without the generous physical, monitory, and labor donations we receive from our parish communities as well as the larger community.

As a reminder, should you like to contribute monetarily, we kindly ask that any checks be written to either All Saints or St. Mary’s with Food Pantry written as the memo. 

Thank you and God Bless!

Click HERE to download the 2025 Food Pantry Calendar. 

Jubilee Year Pilgrimage for Young Adults

July 28 to August 5 2025
Be a Pilgrim of Hope during Jubilee Year 2025. 
Travel with our Vicar General Father Piotr Calik and John Paul Pilgrimages for a spiritually uplifting 
Jubilee 2025 pilgrimage to Rome and the Vatican. 
This itinerary is geared to young adults*.
For complete details go to-
or call 480-626-1266
*Ages 18 and older-  Ages 16 and 17 with an accompanying adult, 

Looking to get involved?

New Years Resolution?

Looking to expand your faith and get more involved with your community? Please check out the Faith Community section of our website to learn more about the many great faith driven programs we have in both our local community and within the Diocese of Springfield. 

Apostolate of the Suffering

First Saturday Meditations at Mary Farm

The Apostolate of the Suffering, joined with the Friends of the Cross, are offering three-fold meditations at Mary Farm year-round (January – December) on the First Saturday of each month from 10am to 12 noon, (rain or shine).

The meditations start with a chosen topic from the Friends of the Cross writings by St. Louis DeMontfort, contemplating on what it takes to carry the Cross with Our Lord.  This is followed by the Holy Rosary meditation to fulfill the last part of the devotion requested by Our Lady of Fatima.* Lastly, the devotion of the Stations of the Cross is prayed outdoors during the warm months. 

The reflections are based on the visions and revelations from Our Lady to Venerable Sr. Mary of Agreda as she recorded them in her book, Mystical City of God.  In Fatima Our Lady asks us all to console her Immaculate Heart due to the vast ingratitude, blasphemies, and offenses against her by making reparations to her on the First Saturday of each month.  This includes:  Going to Confession and receiving Holy Communion, praying five decades of the Rosary, and in addition, meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary. We gather together at Mary Farm to complete this last part of this devotion to Our Lady; to meditate the Holy Rosary mysteries. 

All are invited; you need not be a member of the Apostolate to offer up some of your time to console the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please contact Stasia Bronner with questions:  413-324-6708 or email:  Mary Farm is located at 1915 Ware Street,(Rt 32) Palmer, MA.

New Website! The Apostolate of the Suffering @ Mary Farm, located in the town of Palmer, now has a new website.

Please visit the website at: for information regarding events, membership, history, contact information and much more.



Marriage Help

Marriage Help Available

If your marriage has become troubled and stressed, unloving or uncaring; even if you are divorced or separated but want to try again, the Retrouvaille program can help. Retrouvaille provides tools to communicate better, resolve conflicts fairly, and rediscover why you fell in love. The program is offered locally three times a year.

For information, call confidentially 1-800-470-2230, email, or visit our website for information & registration.

Jubilee 2025

Jubilee 2025 was proclaimed by Pope Francis in the papal Bull Spes Non Confundit (“Hope does not disappoint”).

“The coming Jubilee will thus be a Holy Year marked by the hope that does not fade, our hope in God. May it help us to recover the confident trust that we require, in the Church and in society, in our interpersonal relationships, in international relations, and in our task of promoting the dignity of all persons and respect for God’s gift of creation.” (Pope Francis, Spes Non Confundit 25)

The jubilee will begin in Rome on the vigil of the Lord’s Nativity on Dec. 24, 2024, with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica, and in local dioceses on Holy Family Sunday on Dec. 29. It will conclude in local dioceses the following Holy Family Sunday on Dec. 28, 2025, and in Rome on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, Jan. 6, 2026, with the closing of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica.
Click HERE to read a letter from our Bishop. 

Pork Chop Supper

St. Mary’s Church will be sponsoring a Pork Chop Supper on March 22, 2025 at the Church Hall. Appetizers will be served at 5:45pm with meal to follow at 6:15pm. A cash bar with beer and wine will be available.

Ticket price is $20.00 per person. Take out meals will be available at 6:30 pm. There is no reserved seating; St Mary’s Hall is handicapped accessible. Orders and payment MAY be submitted into the collection basket by March 9, 2025, or make reservations by calling Gina at 413-758-3929. No phone calls will be accepted after 16th March.

Parish Calendar

Looking to get more involved? Want to know what is going on in our Catholic Community? Please be sure to check out our New Parish Calendar linked below!


Quiet the Mind, Open the Heart

Join us EVERY Saturday from 9:00AM to 10:15AM at St. Mary's Church hall. 

Family Life Ministry

Looking for more information regarding Family Life Ministry? Please see the links below to learn more about these Ministries including:

Rosary Sodality

Just us of the following Spiritual Activities:

  • Participating in the Rosary before each scheduled weekday Mass
  • Attending our Prayer Service at St. Mary's Cemetery (Our Lady of Grace Shrine) on the 13th of each month at 4:00PM
  • First Saturday Devotion at St. Mary's Church: Starting with the Rosary at 7:30AM following be 8:00AM Mass and Private Adoration until 9:00AM



“Out of love, place yourselves at one another’s service” (Gal. 5:13)

The Office of the Diaconate has begun to recruit men throughout the Diocese who share a love for God and their fellow man and are men who would be comfortable serving in the sanctuary.  In this endeavor we are asking for your help.  If you have a few men in your parish who you think would be excellent in serving in the sanctuary and supporting the many tasks and challenges facing your parish in the upcoming years, please ask them to consider the process of discernment for the Diaconate.

For your information, the Diaconate Formation Board is starting the recruitment process for our next Diaconate class, the Class of 2029, and we need your help.

Do you know:

  • Men who would make good servant leaders?
  • Men who may already be active within the parish as a lector or extraordinary minister of the Eucharist?
  • Men who may already be involved in service to the homebound, the needy, as well visiting hospitals and nursing facilities?
  • Men who may have a calling to become more involved in doing what we have been called to do from Baptism; serve Jesus by serving his people?

If you know of men who may fit this mold, please reach out to them and encourage them to consider following their call to serve others.

If you, or any potential candidates, have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact The Diaconate office at 413-452-0674 or


  • Sun, Mar 9th

  • Sun, Mar 2nd

  • Sun, Feb 23rd

  • Sun, Feb 16th

  • Sun, Feb 9th

Mass Times

Mass Schedule:

Monday: All Saints 8:00 am Mass
Tuesday: All Saints 8:00 am Mass :
Thursday: St. Mary’s 8:00 am
Friday: St. Mary’s 8:00 am Mass
Saturday Morning - No services Except:
First Saturday: 8 am - St. Mary’s.

4:00pm Mass at All Saints;
5:00pm Mass at St. Mary’s
8:00am Mass at All Saints;
9:30am Mass at St. Mary’s
5:30pm Mass at All Saints Church

Bulletin / Website Announcement Request

Have a community event to share with the Parish Community? Looking to make a special announcement? Please be sure to fill out our from through the link provided below! Click Here

Office Hours

Monday and Wednesday
9:00AM -12:00PM

Only by appointment. Please call or email us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

General Contact Info

All Saints Church is located at 17 North Street, Ware - MA - 01082

St. Mary's Church is located at 57 Sotuh Street, Ware - MA - 01082

Parish Office for both Churches is located at 60 South Street, Ware - MA 01082

Emails: &    

Phone Numbers*: 413-967-4963 or 413-967-5913   *Both numbers are coming into one line what means when someone is on the phone by using one of the numbers, you will get a busy signal trying to reach us

Fax: 413-967-4679
